Friday, September 2, 2011


One of my favorite songs is Sara Bareilles’ “Uncharted”.   Leading up to the high point of the song, she states, “Compare where you are to where you want to be and you’ll get nowhere.”  Although I love the song, I couldn’t disagree more.   

Figuring out where you want to be and then charting a course to get there, in other words, goal setting, has been proven to lead to results.   Whether you’re a high school student lost in the shuffle of what to do after you graduate, a job seeker who just plain hates your job or has found yourself out of a job , or a company who has no plan for developing your talent, charting your course is actually where you need to start.

Our newly formed company, Horizon Point Consulting, Inc., helps individuals and companies do just this through career and leadership coaching.  We help you find the optimal point on your horizon and help you chart a course to get there.

After listening to “Uncharted” again, though, I’m led to believe that Sara actually agrees with me.  “Compare where you are to where you want to be and you’ll get nowhere” is followed by the high point of the song, “I’m going down!”   I think she realizes that going uncharted, or rogue, although often appealing and possibly exciting, actually leads you “down” when it comes to the important things in life.

When have you gone uncharted and found yourself nowhere?

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